Mental Health and the Dependency Court Workgroup Reports
2024 State Roundtable Report
At the 2024 State Roundtable, the Mental Health Workgroup presented its first report. The Workgroup spent its first year examining the impact of mental health on the dependency system, and children and families. The Workgroup also spent several months educating itself by inviting experts in mental health to monthly meetings. After several months of examining the issue, both nationally and statewide, the Mental Health Workgroup submitted its first year recommendations. This report outlines those recommendations. In addition, this report provides a summary of the education received by experts, national data, and resources developed by the Workgroup. The developed resources include two tools to help guide professionals working with individuals experiencing mental health issues: Steps to Understanding Mental Health Needs and A Guide to Rightsizing Mental Health Services and Programs. The State Roundtable unanimously approved the Workgroup’s recommendations and gave approval to continue its efforts. Mental health is a complex issue with many moving parts, and our work has just begun to scratch the surface.
To view the report, click the picture to the right.