Legal Representation Pre-Service DVD
Tasked by the Pennsylvania State Roundtable, in 2010 the Pre-Service Training for Guardians ad Litem DVD was completed and released. To view the entire DVD or various chapters of such, please click the appropriate link below.
Pre-Service Training for Guardians ad Litem – entire DVD
Part 1: Overview/History of Child Welfare/Paradigm Shift in Pennsylvania/Message from the Supreme Court
Part 2: Pennsylvania Mission & Guiding Principles
Part 3: Voice of Pennsylvania Youth
Part 4: Role of the Guardians ad Litem
Part 5: Dependency Court Hearings
Part 10: Working with other attorneys in the courtroom
Part 11: Understanding Child Welfare Best Practices/Safety Assessment and Planning
Part 13: Least Restrictive Care

For a hardcopy of the DVD please click here.