State Roundtable
The State Roundtable (SRT) is the decision-making entity of the Children’s Roundtable (CRT) Initiative.
The State Roundtable is tri-chaired by Kevin M. Dougherty, Justice of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, by the Director of the OCFC and the DHS/OCYF Deputy Secretary. The State Roundtable also consists of other pertinent state and national leaders that have specific expertise in dependency matters.
During this annual statewide meeting, accomplishments are shared, Leadership Roundtable (LRT) co-chairs report on themes from the seven LRTs, updates on initiatives are presented and new priorities are identified. It is at this State Roundtable that OCFC’s priorities for the following year are set and activities are established for the intended use of CIP award dollars.
The State Roundtable establishes workgroups to research and address statewide areas of concern.
In addition to facilitating intrastate communication, the State Roundtable is involved in the dependency reform movement at the national level to keep Pennsylvania apprised of the evolving trends and best practices.