Family Finding – Revised
Family Finding – Revised is a core component of the Family Engagement Initiative (FEI). Family Finding – Revised includes engaging, locating and actively involving family/kin/community to surround the child with a lifelong network of supports for children and families. The revised model combines a holistic approach that emphasizes well-being with a focus on healing the whole child. It incorporates requirements of Pennsylvania’s family finding legislation Act 118 of 2022 (formerly Act 14 of 2019), calendaring, Adverse Childhood Experiences, Harvard University’s Center on the Developing Child resilience work and, the use of the Kevin Campbell Family Finding Model.
The Core beliefs of the Family Finding Model:
Click here to learn more about recent enhancements to Pennsylvania’s family finding practice.
Did you know – family finding is law in Pennsylvania?
Family finding Act 118 was originally enacted into law in Pennsylvania in 2013 (formerly Act 55) . The legislation is intended to ensure that family finding occurs on an ongoing basis for all children entering the child welfare system. The law also aims to promote the use of kinship care when it is necessary to remove a child from the child’s home in an effort to:
- Identify and build positive connections between the child and the child’s relatives and kin.
- Support the engagement of relatives and kin in children and youth social service planning and delivery.
- Create a network of extended family support to assist in remedying the concerns that led the child to be involved with the county children and youth agency.
Click here to see the excerpt of Act of 118 of 2022.