Local Roundtables
The Permanency Practice Initiate assumes close, constructive relationships between the executive and judicial branches of government are critical to child safety, permanence and well-being.
As such, the pilot is a joint venture with the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services – Office of Children, Youth & Families (OCYF) and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court – Office of Children & Families in the Courts (OCFC).
Each county that participates in the PPI is obligated to have a local children’s roundtable to oversee the initiative. The LCR is convened by the county dependency judge, and is comprised of relevant stakeholders in the dependency system including but not limited to children and youth administrators; county commissioners; hearing masters; Guardians ad Litem; parent attorneys; agency solicitors; Court Appointed Special Advocates; school districts; drug and alcohol and mental health professionals; families; county children and youth staff; juvenile probation staff; police departments; service providers and other relevant stakeholders. The LCRs meet on a regular basis, usually monthly, to share best or promising practices, address areas of concern within the county’s dependency system and make plans to overcome barriers to timely permanency for children in their judicial district.