Crisis/Rapid Response Family Meetings
Crisis/Rapid Response Family Meetings involve gathering family, kin and community supports quickly, directly following an emergent event that will likely result in an out of home placement for the child. This inclusive, family approach is designed to not only give family a voice, but to actively involve family in decision-making. This approach strengthens partnerships between family and child welfare professionals with the common goals of safety, permanency and well-being of the child.
What is the different between a crisis response family meeting and a rapid response family meeting?
The only difference between a crisis response and a rapid response family meeting is the time the meeting is held in relation to the emergent event. Crisis response family meetings occur immediately to 24 hours from the event. Rapid response family meetings occur within 72 hours from the event.

What is the goal of the family meeting?
The goal of either type of family meeting is to address the immediate concern(s) that is leading to the need to remove the child from his/her home. In some instances the result of the family meeting may eliminate the safety concern and the need for out of home placement. In other instances, if the concern remains and the child must be placed out of home, the family meeting can help reduce trauma through kinship placement and maintenance of family/community connections.
Click here to read about the 9 essential elements of Crisis/Rapid Response Family Meetings used by Family Engagement Initiative counties.