State Roundtable Reports
2013 State Roundtable Report
“Father Engagement ~ A Report to the Pennsylvania State Roundtable“
This report includes efforts put forth by the Workgroup throughout 2012-2013. The 2013 report includes the curriculum for the revised Father Engagement training. Building and Sustaining Father Engagement: Training for Child Welfare and Legal Professionals. This training curriculum is specifically designed to improve father engagement across all systems by including dependency court judges and hearing officers, child welfare staff, JPO’s, GAL’s, CASA, parent counsel, and providers with encouragement to also invite community members (eg., teachers, parents, family center personnel, local roundtable members, families, etc.). Click here to view a copy of the brochure.
Additionally, this report includes data measuring the impact of the of the workgroups efforts over the past four years. Having completed the work tasked by the State Roundtable, the workgroup disbanded with the caveat that based on the need to further explore this issue, the workgroup may be called upon in the future to resume their work. Click the picture to the right to view the full report.
2012 State Roundtable Report
“Father Engagement ~ A Report to the Pennsylvania State Roundtable“
This report comprises efforts put forth by the Workgroup throughout 2011 through 2012. This report includes Judicial Bench Cards and protocols for improving father engagement –
- Engaging Fathers in Child Protection Court Hearings and Case Planning,
- Identifying and Locating Fathers in Child Protection Cases, and
- Engaging Fathers in Child Protection Cases by Understanding Male Help-seeking and Learning Styles.
Furthermore, the report identifies a list of barriers fathers may face in the Child Welfare System along with potential solutions for discussion at the county level. Also, it contains a Father Support Group curriculum, based on best practices for father engagement. Click the picture to the right to view the full report.
2011 State Roundtable Report
“Kids Need Their Dads: Engaging Fathers in the Child Dependency System “
This report reflects Workgroup efforts from 2011- 2012. It includes agency and court protocols for establishing paternity, locating fathers and engaging fathers.
It further lays the foundation for developing statewide training on locating and engaging fathers and data collection for measuring outcomes with respect to father engagement. The report also includes a brochure available to any organization working with fathers. The brochure outlines the benefits to father involvement in the lives of children, as well as, the roles and responsibilities of fathers. Click the picture to the right to view the full report.
2010 State Roundtable Report
“Kids Need Their Dads: Addressing the Issues of Non-resident Fathers in the Child Dependency System “
This report reflects efforts put forth by the Workgroup throughout 2009-2010. As the initial report from the Workgroup, it outlines the rationale for establishing the Workgroup and the significance for better engaging fathers in the Child Welfare System.The report includes the mission and vision for this work and prioritizes the topics to be addressed by the Workgroup such as, establishing paternity, locating and engaging fathers (and paternal family), training and equity of services and visitation for both mothers and fathers. Click the picture to the right to view the full report.