Family Finding – Revised

Family Finding – Revised is a core component of the Family Engagement Initiative (FEI). Family Finding – Revised includes engaging, locating and actively involving family/kin/community to surround the child with a lifelong network of supports for children and families.  The revised model combines a holistic approach that emphasizes well-being with a focus on healing the whole child.  It incorporates requirements of Pennsylvania’s family finding legislation (Act 118 of 2022 formerly 14 of 2019), calendaring, Adverse Childhood ExperiencesHarvard University’s Center on the Developing Child Resilience Work and, the use of the Kevin Campbell Family Finding Model.

FEI counties are required to provide a Family Finding Report to the Court. This report details the child welfare agency’s efforts to locate and engage family/kin/community, how supports plan on being involved in the child’s life, a Child Connections Diagram and a calendar outlining the child’s activities. 


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Family Finding Consultation Call Facilitators

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