2011 Children’s Roundtable Summit
The 2011 Pennsylvania’s Children’s Roundtable Summit was held September 19-21, 2011 with 385 participants representing 51 counties and 95% of children in out-of-home care.
The theme of this year’s Summit was “transformative change.” With so much happening in our state, counties, and courts the topic was a timely one. Highlights from this year’s Summit included Cassie Solomon, national expert in change management; Dr. Marty Beyer, psychologist and expert in minimizing grief & loss for foster children; and Terrance Walton, a dynamic and energizing expert in the field of drug & alcohol addiction.
In addition to the incredible talent listed above, the Summit featured a panel of former Pennsylvania foster youth. These youth shared their experience with change, what was helpful and what could be helpful.
For your reference, the PowerPoint presentations, reference articles, and the youth panel discussion from the Summit can be accessed below.