Planning for the Family Engagement Initiative
Oversight Team
Family Engagement Initiative counties are required to establish a Family Engagement Oversight Team to manage the project. This group must include the lead dependency judge and children and youth administrator and should include the juvenile dependency hearing officer (if applicable), agency county solicitor, GAL(s) and parent attorneys. Counties should also consider including anyone responsible for Family Finding, Family Group Decision Making and Crisis/Rapid Response Family Meetings.
Family Engagement Initiative County Analysis
The Family Engagement Initiative County Analysis will be distributed to counties upon acceptance to the FEI. The analysis is designed to be completed by the Oversight Team together. Each county will complete one collective analysis. It is intended to help analyze current practice/culture for the three FEI components. The results of the analysis will be used to assist counties in tailoring a specific implementation plan.
Family Engagement Initiative Implementation Plan
Upon completion of the county analysis, each county Oversight Team will develop an implementation plan addressing the three components of the FEI: Family Finding – Revised; Crisis/Rapid Response Family Meetings and; Enhanced Legal Representation. The plan must be completed prior to the initiative implementation date and sent to the county’s OCFC Judicial Analyst.