Family Engagement Initiative County Page
Welcome, FEI Counties!
Based on the research and recommendations of the Permanency Practice Initiative Workgroup, the Pennsylvania State Roundtable established the Family Engagement Initiative (FEI) in May 2017.
Pennsylvania counties interested in the FEI complete an application process. Once selected, counties enter the FEI in phases. All FEI counties have demonstrated strong court/child welfare agency collaboration and a desire to enhance family engagement strategies to produce the best possible outcomes for children and families in the child welfare system.
This site is the central location for resources related to the Family Engagement Initiative (FEI). This website is intended for judges, juvenile court hearing officers, attorneys, child welfare administrators, supervisors, and caseworkers in an FEI county.
The purpose of the FEI is to reduce trauma and promote healing for children, parents, and families who are in the child welfare and dependency system.

Family Finding Revised
Family Finding – Revised is a core component of the FEI. Family Finding – Revised includes engaging, locating, and actively involving family/kin/community to surround the child with a lifelong support network for children and families. The revised model combines a holistic approach emphasizing well-being and healing the whole child.
It incorporates requirements of Pennsylvania’s family finding legislation (Act 118 of 2022, formerly Act 14 of 2019), Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) | VitalSigns | CDC, Harvard University’s Center on the Developing Child Resilience Work, and the use of Kevin Campbell's Family Finding Model.
FEI counties are required to provide a Family Finding Report to the Court at every hearing. This report details the child welfare agency’s efforts to locate and engage family/kin/community, how supports plan to be involved in the child’s life, a Child Connections Diagram, and the Child’s Activity Calendar outlining the child’s activities. This is the roadmap to resiliency.
Crisis Rapid Response Family Meetings
Crisis/Rapid Response Family Meetings (CRRFM) are a core Family Engagement Initiative (FEI) component. The goal of either a Crisis Response Family Meeting (immediately to within 24 hours of the emergent event) or a Rapid Response Family Meeting (within 72 hours of the emergent event) is to address the immediate concern leading to the need to remove the child from their home. This inclusive family approach is designed to give the family a voice and actively involve the family in decision-making. CRRFM Overview one page handout.
Enhanced Legal Representation
There is a clear link between high-quality legal representation and positive child welfare outcomes. For judges to make the best possible decisions about families, it is critically important that the judge receive the most accurate and complete information possible from all parties.* IM-17-02 | The Administration for Children and Families (
The Family Engagement Initiative Enhanced Legal Representation component is grounded in PA State Roundtable’s approved Standards of Practice. While all standards of practice are essential, the Family Engagement Initiative focuses on the four core identified standards below derived from the PA State Roundtable’s Standards and the American Bar Association Standards of Practice for Lawyers Representing Child Welfare Agencies.
Each FEI County identifies at least two of the four standards to focus on to help support enhanced legal practices. The selected standards are included and monitored in the county’s FEI Implementation Plan.
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